If you have a new teen driver in the home, you’ll want to do a double-take on your current insurance coverage.
As car accident lawyers in Milwaukee, we have seen fender benders involving new teen drivers turn into big expenses for unsuspecting parents. That is because you may not be aware of what your auto-insurance policy does NOT cover.
When you’re ready to sign a sponsorship agreement for your teen driver, consider this advice from one of our attorneys, Michelle Hockers:
How To Be Prepared To Handle The Unexpected
If you are involved in a car accident, safety is the most important consideration. Don’t delay seeking medical attention for yourself or others.
Always call the police and file a report, unless you are certain that the damage to any personal property is less than $1,000, and the damage to any government property is less than $200.
An accident is always unexpected and often unsettling. It may be easy to forget what you should and should not do at that urgent time.
To be prepared, download our free, easy to follow Car, Truck & Motorcycle Accident Checklist designed specifically for your vehicle glove box. Use this checklist to help you if you’re involved in, or witness, a motor vehicle accident.
From the information you need to exchange, to the photos you should take; you’ll be prepared with the information you may need.
If you have a case you would like to speak to a lawyer about, please contact us to schedule a free case evaluation and get an experienced team of lawyers working on your behalf.
Free Case Evaluation for Your Car Accident Settlement